Partnership Opportunities
The Ohio Ministry Network and the Assemblies of God offer a tremendous variety for church affiliation, from informal and exploratory all the way to full affiliation on a cooperative and voluntary basis. We invite you to explore these opportunities as we build up one another here in Ohio and around the world!
Cooperative Fellowships are local congregations which agree with the Statement of Fundamental Truths of the General Council of the Assemblies of God and desire to enter a cooperative relationship with the Ohio Ministry Network on a temporary basis (4-year term, renewable by the request of the local church congregation at the discretion in cooperation with the General Council Executive Presbytery) before officially affiliating with the Ohio Ministry Network and/or the General Council.
Cooperative churches do not have the same privileges and responsibilities as General Council or Network Affiliated churches.
Cooperative churches receive all Ohio Ministry Network mailings/emails and are welcome to attend network events. Additionally, they have access to network tools/resources, etc.
Steps for Cooperative Fellowship Approval:
Application for Recognition as a Cooperative Church completed and submitted for network presbytery approval
Action taken by executive officers upon recommendation by the area presbyter and regional executive presbyter.
Acceptance letter issued upon approval
A Parent Affiliated Church (PAC) is an outreach of an existing General Council Affiliated Church or duly authorized Network Affiliated Church resulting in a worshipping community with a congregational life distinct from the Parent Church.
A PAC is subject to the ecclesial supervision and authority of the parent church, in such manner, and upon such terms and conditions, as are determined by the parent church.
Network affiliated churches are local congregations in initial or transitional stages of development toward greater maturity and/or health. These local congregations are under the general supervision of the network presbytery, which provides for pastoral care, appoints the necessary officers, etc., until such time as the local congregation gives evidence of sufficient maturity to warrant full recognition as a General Council affiliated church.
A Network Affiliated church must have at least fifteen (15) bona fide members, three (3) of whom can qualify for appointment as members of the Advisory Committee.
Steps for Network Affiliation Approval:
Application packet completed and submitted for network presbytery approval
Church charter form completed upon approval
Acceptance letter issued
General Council affiliated churches are local congregations which have matured sufficiently to accept their full share of self-governance and financial responsibility for the maintenance of scriptural order. They are organized under the guidance of the Ohio Ministry Network, with proper governance and corporate documents. They cooperate with the Assemblies of God Fellowship in doctrine, in conduct, and all other matters which may affect the peace and harmony of the whole.
A General Council Church must have at least twenty (20) bona fide members, three (3) of whom can qualify for consideration and election as officers of the assembly.
The assembly may not have any outstanding obligations for which the Ohio District Council, Inc. of the Assemblies of God or The Board of Trustees of the Ohio District Council, Inc. of the Assemblies of God is liable, either as a primary obligor or a guarantor.
Steps for General Council approval:
Advancement packet obtained from the Ohio Ministry Network Resource Center
Written request submitted for advancement to General Council status to the executive secretary’s office for network presbytery approval
Business meeting scheduled upon approval to adopt bylaws and formally elect the pastor and board and explain transition
Application for Recognition completed and submitted to the executive officer
Certificate of affiliation issued by the General Council